Seychelles International Trust

Seychelles International Trust

A Trust is a private legal agreement (Trust Deed) between the individual who places his/her assets in the Trust (Settlor) and the individual or corporation entrusted with the protection, management, and ultimate distribution of the assets (Trustee) for the persons entitled to benefit from the capital assets and/or income held under the agreement (Beneficiaries). Such Asset might include Property, shares or cash.

The Seychelles Trusts are governed by the international Trust Act, 1994. To be able to register for a Seychelles Trust you will needs to see a licensed trustee in Seychelles. Trust have been used to protect the assets of its beneficiaries. The Seychelles International Trust law offers some of the greatest privacy and asset protection features of any International Offshore Financial Centre. The advantage of Seychelles Trust include Tax Exemption in Seychelles, low costs of trust formation and administration.

Key Features

Seychelles International Trust 

Corporate Details 



Type of entity 

International Trust 

Type of Law 

Follow English law/As per Trust Deed 

Our time to establish a Trust 

2 Weeks 

Taxation of trust assets 


Double Taxation Treaty access 


Change of Domicile permitted 



100 years (except: charitable international trust or a purpose international trust) 

Restriction on Investment of Trust asset 


Exchange control 



As per Trust Deed 


Must be non-resident of Seychelles 


At least one Trustee shall be a company licensed under the International Corporate Service Provide Act to provide international trustee services at all times. ( international act 1994) 


No property situated in Seychelles can be part of the Trust asset 


Seychelles Supreme Court 

Forced heirship applicable 


Trust asset 


Restriction on type/amount 

No, except property situated in Seychelles 



Minimum number 

1 if corporate and 2 or more if not corporate 


Minimum one Seychellois resident 



Requirement to file 


Publicly accessible 


Duty to keep accounting records 

  1. A Trustee is required to keep proper accounting records of the trusteeship  
  2. The accounting records shall be kept at the trustee’s principal place of business in Seychelles or such or place as the trustee thinks fits.
  3. (International Trust act 1994) 
  4. Accounting record shall not be deemed to be kept with respect to an international trust if they do not give a true and fair view on the state of the international trust’s affairs and explain its transactions.  


  1. Strong Asset Protection
  2. Privacy/Confidentiality
  3. Flexibility
  4. Can be part of business company structure
  5. Investment and Real Estate ownership and administration
  6. Efficient Tax Planning,
  7. Charitable purposes, and
  8. Substitution of Wills and Testaments

We are a licensed Corporate Service Provider in Seychelles offering company formation and management, together with the comprehensive advice and support that will assist companies of all sizes to establish business operations successfully in Seychelles.