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Seychelles CSL – Special License Company

Seychelles CSL – Special License Company

The Seychelles CSL is a Seychelles domestic company, incorporated under the Companies Act 1972, which is granted a special license under the Companies Special License Act 2003. 

Objects of a Seychelles CSL

The objects of a CSL as stated in its memorandum shall be limited to the carrying on of any one or more of the businesses specified below:

  1. Investment management and advice
  2. Offshore banking
  3. Offshore insurance
  4. Reinsurance
  5. Business of an investment company, a holding company, a marketing company, a company holding intellectual property, a headquarters company, a human resource company, a franchise company
  6. Business under an ITZ license
  7. Any other business approved by the Authority

Legal Requirements

Seychelles Public Fund Corporate Details 
Type of Entity Seychelles domestic company 
Corporate Taxation Corporate taxation is 1.5%  
Bearer Shares No 
Management Should be managed by a board of directors consisting of at least two individuals. 
Share capital or equivalent  
Standard currency US$ 
Permitted currencies Any 
Minimum Authorized Capital 10% of authorized share capital 
Minimum Investors No 
Minimum number 2 
Local required No 
Corporate directorship allowed No 
Required Yes 
Corporate Secretarial Yes 
Local Required Yes 
Requirements to prepare Yes 
Audit requirements Yes 
Requirements to file accounts Yes 
Annual General Meeting  
Compulsory Yes, for shareholders 
Meeting Location Anywhere 

Main Benefits of A Seychelles CSL

  1. Ownership Privacy is guaranteed as details of Beneficial Owners are not publicly accessible
  2. Limited physical presence is required in Seychelles, the company simply requires a registered office and a local secretary.
  3. CSL’s can engage in a wide range of business activities in the Seychelles and internationally.
  4. Access to double taxation avoidance treaties.
  5. A CSL is exempt from Seychelles withholding taxes on dividends, interest and royalties

We are a licensed Corporate Service Provider in Seychelles offering company formation and management, together with the comprehensive advice and support that will assist companies of all sizes to establish business operations successfully in Seychelles.